Friday 30 October 2009

Tempeh omelet


* 150 gr tempe, puree

* 3 eggs

* Salt and pepper to taste

* 2 tablespoons cooking oil

* 1 tablespoon margarine

* 3 red onions, sliced

* 2 cloves garlic, sliced

* 1 red chilli, sliced

* 1 / 2 grains onion, chopped

How to Make:

1. Beat eggs, add salt and pepper powder. Put the onion and stir well.

2. Heat margarine and saute onion, garlic, red chili pepper, and tempeh until tender, remove, add to the egg mixture.

3. Heat the cooking oil, pour the egg mixture, make the pancakes, cook until done, lift.

4. Serve warm.

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